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State emblem of Uzbekistan


The law "On the State Emblem of the Republic of Uzbekistan" was passed on July 2, 1992 at the tenth session of the Supreme Council of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
In the center of the emblem Humo bird with wings spread - the symbol of happiness and freedom. Our great ancestor Alisher Navoi called Khumo as the kindest of all living beings.
At the top of the coat of arms is an octahedron, which symbolizes the sign of approval of the republic, in -polumesyats with a star.
The image of the sun - a wish that the way our country was illuminated by bright light. At the same time it points to the unique climatic conditions of the country.
Spikes - a symbol of sustenance, stems from the drop-down cotton bolls - the richness of our sunny land, famed for her all over the world. Wheat and cotton boxes, tangled ribbon flag State, means the consolidation of the peoples living in the republic.
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